| - adj. 当即死去(如在致命事故中). Death was instantaneous, eg in a fatal accident
- n. 当意料中的麻烦到来时 when expected trouble begins
- n. 当时有关新市政大厅的计画还仅仅是那建筑师酝酿中的意念. The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye
- n. 当空中小姐言行需十分得体. You need a lot of tact to be an air hostess
- v. 当精神不集中於某事时)胡写, 乱画 make meaningless drawings, scribbles etc, while one is or should be thinking about sth else (
- n. 录下无线电广播中的音乐 record music from the radio
- v. 录音中的音高或音量的迅速变化. Cf 参看 wow2. rapid variation in the pitch or loudness of recorded sound
- n. 录音设备或计算机中放磁带或磁盘的装置. device for holding and playing magnetic tape, discs, etc in sound-recording equipment or a computer
- vi. 形成矿渣, (常与off连用)辱骂, 中伤 slag
- 彩画玻璃窗(由各色玻璃拼成, 常见於教堂中). =>illus at App a ,stained glass `window, ie one made of pieces of glass of different colours, as seen in many churches
- 彩色电影中间片 motion picture colour intermediate film
- n. 影, 本影, 蚀时的地球, 阴影, 暗影, 中央黑影部分, 随客来的不速之客, 幽灵, 荫鱼, 荫鱼属, 本影 umbra
- vt. 影响, 对...起作用, 使...感光, 改变, 损害, 感动, 患, 中, (使)感动, 使感染, 装作, 假装, 侵袭 affect
- n. 影片中描述一个场景或主题的)连续镜头 part of a cinema film dealing with one scene or topic (
- v. 影片中的声音必须与动作配合一致. The sound on a film must synchronize with the action
- adj. 影片中露骨的性爱镜头. explicit sex scenes in the film