| - 本年度支出 current annual expenditure
- adj. 本店货物售出概不退换. Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable
- adv. 本来, 原来, 最初, 独创地, 独出心裁地, 新颖地, 开始, 原先 originally
- 术后出血或栓塞探查术-胸部 Exploration for postoperative hemorrhage or thrombosis —— chest
- 术后出血或栓塞探查术-颈部 Exploration for postoperative hemorrhage or thrombosis ——neck
- 术后颊囊肿摘出术 Post operation cheek cyst, revised Luc's op
- n. 机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. came to a halt when the machine broke down
- n. 机器排出的)废气、 蒸气等 waste fumes, gases, steam, etc expelled from an engine or a machine (
- n. 机头, 船头, 船首, 突出的前端, 船, 船首, 舰首 prow
- n. 机械地做某事、 脱口而出、 凭记忆、 死记硬背. do, say, know, learn, etc sth by rote
- 机械装置出故障了. There's something wrong with the works
- n. 机械锯发出的吱吱的声音. the steady whine of a mechanical saw
- n. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象. The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue
- n. 机车喷出一股蒸气後就停了下来. There was a puff of steam from the engine before it stopped
- 杀人罪(出自《圣经》) the brand of Cain
- 杜埃版《圣经》(罗马天主教会核定的英译本圣经, 于1582及1609-1610年由罗马天主教学者将新旧约分别从拉丁文译成英语, 在法国 Douai 出版, 又称 Douay Version) the Douay Bible