| - n. 那种工作不可能做到十全十美. Perfection is impossible to achieve in that kind of work
- n. 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了. That may be our taxi now
- n. 那辆有可能是我们的计程车(但我有所怀疑). might be our taxi (but I doubt it).
- 那麽她能是哪一位呢? And who might `she be?
- n. 部份, 零件, 角色, 部分, 一部分, 局部, ...分之一, 等分, 台词, 组成部分, 要素, 才华, 才能, 职责, 本分, 作用, 部, 篇, 卷, 声部, 乐曲的一部, 辩论, 竞争, 争吵或贸易中的一方, 地方, 地区, 领域, 梳头后的分发线, 部件, 词类, 整除部分, 部分分数, 部分分式, 部位, 阴部, 私处, 片断, …分之一, 分担责任, 参加, (争论、交易中的)边, 一方, …方面, 剧中人物, (角色的)台词, (戏剧的)情节, (乐)声部 part
- 部分占据能带 partially occupied band
- 部分能级宽度 partial width
- 都市机能 urban function
- n. 都表示有可能做某事的时候. Occasion suggests that the time is socially suitable for the activity *occasion指社交上从事某活动的合适时机 Occasion, opportunity and chance all indicate a time when it is possible to do something. *occasion、 opportunity、 chance
- n. 配合, 调节, 啮合, 适应性, 适应能力, 拟合 adapting
- n. 酒精能削弱人的抑制力. Alcohol weakens a person's inhibitions, ie makes him behave more naturally
- n. 酵母, 发酵粉, 泡, 泡沫, 能激动活力的事物, 兴奋素 yeast
- v. 酸能刺激胃黏膜. Acid irritates the stomach lining
- v. 酸能腐蚀金属. Acids eat into metal
- n. 酸(能被金属置换出氢而成为盐的物质) substance that contains hydrogen, which can be replaced by a metal to form a salt
- adj. 醉汉不能为其行为负全部责任. considered fully responsible for his actions