| - 底边塞在裙子中的衬衫 tuck-in blouse
- n. 庞奇(传统木偶戏《庞奇和朱迪》中的驼背丑角). grotesque humpbacked figure in a traditional puppet show called Punch and Judy
- n. 废弃材料(尤指其中仍有些价值的) waste or unwanted articles, esp those still of some value for the material they contain
- 废气的中间冷却 intercooling of exhaust gas
- 废水中和 neutralization of waste water
- 废物隔离中间试验工厂 waste isolation pilot plant
- n. 废话, 逗人笑或惹人落泪的惯用手法, 噱头, 欺骗, 无聊的话, (戏剧中的)低级噱头, 假话, 骗人的鬼话 hokum
- 度假中心(提供膳宿及有组织的娱乐活动的假日去处). place with accommodation and organized amusements for people on holiday
- n. 座位上的)头垫, 头枕(如汽车中的). =>illus at App thing that supports the head of a person sitting down, eg in a car (
- 座椅中心面 median seating plane
- n. 康复中心(如为精神病人设立的). a rehabilitation centre, eg for psychiatric patients
- n. 康复中的病残者, 恢复健康者, 在康复中的病残者 rehabilitant
- n. 康复中的(病人) recovering from illness
- adj. 廉价国外旅游中难得的享受. the unaccustomed luxury of cheap foreign travel
- n. 廓尔喀兵(英国或印度陆军中由尼泊尔籍士兵组成的团之成员). member of a regiment in the British or Indian army made up of soldiers from Nepal
- n. 廓尔喀族, (英军中的)廓尔喀士兵, 廓尔喀族人, 英国军队中的尼泊尔族士兵 gurkha