  • n.  有病的树木可由其树皮上的结节看.   The diseased trees are marked by protuberances on their bark
  • n.  有翼单座沙发(高靠背两侧连接有向前伸的宽边).   armchair with a high back that has projecting pieces at each side
  • adj.  有脉纹的, 有叶脉的, 有木纹的, 显静脉的   veined
  • v.  有规律地)跳动、 震颤或发声响   vibrate or sound with a persistent rhythm (
  • n.  有讽刺意味的情况、 事情等(其本身未始不可取, 但因人意料或来非其时而似故意乖违)   situation, event, etc that is desirable in itself but so unexpected or ill-timed that it appears to be deliberately perverse
  •   有阻碍外出权   impeded egress
  • n.  服务员, 侍者, 值班人员, 席者, 随从, 伴随物, 附属品, 随员   attendant
  • n.  服满刑期者, 满期狱者, 前科犯, =emancipist   expiree
  •   服装出口委员会   Clothing Export Council
  • n.  服装制作人经销商或租商(尤指戏装)   person who makes, deals in, or hires out costumes, esp for theatrical performances
  • v.  朦胧地现, 隐约可见, 可怖地现, 隐现, 迫近   loom
  • n.  木桩, 木桩, 木材, 桩材, 打桩, 表示从型板边缘到沿船身弯曲部分各点的距离的数字, 切割前在原材料上画结构部件的弯曲部分, 样杆画线   spiling
  • adj.  未付诸行动的, 未演的, 未履行的, 未受影响的   unacted
  • v.  未付费或未受邀)擅自闯入, 擅自席(私人社交集会)   without paying or being invited (
  • n.  未作出[保持]防御姿势   keep up one's guard
  • n.  未席, 未赶上(某事物)   ; arrive too late for (sth)