  • indef det  有些人昨天席了会议.   Some were at the meeting yesterday
  • v.  有些版社目前正兼营软件.   Some publishers are now diversifying into software
  • adj.  有些工人仍未对该计画做承诺.   Some workers remain uncommitted to the project
  • v.  有人下注下在最後胜的这匹马上了吗?   Did anyone back the winner?
  • n.  有人下注下在最後胜的这匹马上了吗?   Did anyone back the winner?
  • n.  有人买、 有人卖就能决定做什麽货物.   The market determines what goods are made
  • v.  有人向我价1200英镑买这辆汽车.   I've had an offer of £1200 for the car
  • n.  有人向部长提了工业计画问题.   The minister was queried about his plans for the industry
  • n.  有人对选举的结果提了异议.   The election result was disputed
  • n.  有人能定更好的时间表吗?   Can anyone design a better timetable?
  •   有人能想筹款的办法吗?   Can anybody think of a way to raise money?
  • adj.  有人说重要的、 胸有成竹之类的话, 但却可能不确而使说话的人自觉悔不该言, 此时用此词组).   (said when sb has made an important, optimistic, etc statement which may turn out to be untrue and which he may regret saying
  • v.  有他席这一场合就更形庄严.   His presence lent dignity to the occasion
  • adj.  有光泽的, 光辉的, 光亮的, 有光彩的, 灿烂的, 品德或声誉上杰的   lustrous
  • n.  有军衔的和无军衔的军官都席了.   Both commissioned and non-commissioned officers attended
  •   有现...的倾向, 可能产生...的结果   be productive of