| - v. 你有没有支持自己论点的统计数字? Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?
- n. 你有没有现金? 还是我们用信用卡呢?'`用信用卡吧.' Have you got any cash or shall we use plastic?' `Put it on the plastic.' `
- v. 你来参加聚会吗?'`不, 我没有受到邀请.' Are you coming to the party?' `No, I haven't been invited.' `
- adj. 你根本没有获胜的希望. You've no earthly hope of winning
- n. 你欠我的钱还没还给我呢. You haven't paid me the money you owe me
- indef det 你没向我借过一些唱片吗? (Cf 参看 You borrowed some records of mine, didn't you?) Didn't you borrow some records of mine?
- v. 你没有信守诺言. materialize
- 你没有得到临别礼物吗? 真叫人失望! You didn't get a leaving present? What a swizz
- n. 你没有把收音机调准. You're not properly tuned in
- n. 你没有抱怨的理由. for complaining
- n. 你没有理由生气. You have no occasion to be angry
- n. 你没有认识到她这一成就的重大意义. You don't appreciate the magnitude of her achievement
- adj. 你没有钻劲, 无法欣赏这类文学巨著. You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this
- n. 你没注意? 他染头发了. Didn't you notice? He has dyed his hair
- v. 你没理解, 让我解释一下. You have not understood; allow me to elucidate
- n. 你没赢, 真遗憾. What a shame you didn't win