  •   人造丝长方格绸   woven rayon plaid
  • adj.  仅次於最佳的解决法是放弃全部计画.   The next-best solution is to abandon the project altogether
  •   仅用以加强语气时读重音)   reflex, emph pron 反身、 强调代词 (only taking the main stress in sentences when used emphatically
  • n.  仅能满足眼前的基本需要(尤指食物面的需要)   one's `hand against sb threaten or attack sb 威胁或攻击某人. live from ,hand to `mouth satisfy only one's present basic needs (esp for food)
  • adj.  今天有些地主仍以近乎封建的式对待佃农.   The way some landowners treat their tenants today seems almost feudal
  • n.  介词(包括复合介词, 尤用於名词或代词前, 表示处所、 位置、 时间、 法等, 如 in、 from、 to、 out of、 on behalf of).   used esp before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time, method, etc
  • n.  仍是老地·com·演奏厅   ii
  •   从...角度[方面]来观察   as viewed from
  •   从一个地到另一个地; 各地, 到处   from place to place
  •   从一处到另一处(尤指从小地到伦敦或从英国南部到北部)   go from one place to another, esp from a smaller place to London or from the south to the north of Britain
  •   从一处到另一处(尤指从英国北部到伦敦或从大城镇到小地)   go from one place to another, esp from the north of Britain to London, or from a city or large town to a smaller place
  •   从一处来到另一处(尤指从英格兰北部到伦敦或由城镇到较小的地)   come from one place to another, esp from the North of England to London, or from a city or large town to a smaller place
  • v.  从不同面、 以不同法等)核实(情报), 核对(计算结果等)   make sure that information, a calculation, etc is correct by consulting a different source, using a different method, etc (
  • v.  从不同面以有益的或积极的思想)影响(某人[某事物])   usefully or positively with ideas from a different field, etc (
  • adj.  从东的, 向东的, 从东来的, 东的   easterly
  •   从什么地都不...从哪一面都不...   from no quarter