  • n.  不要发那种噪音,'他愤怒地大喊.   Stop that noise,' he cried out in exasperation. `
  •   不要紧的伤, 不危险的伤(可以借此退火线)   a cushy one
  • v.  不要轻视我为帮忙所付的努力[我已做的事].   what I have done
  •   不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐.   Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted
  •   不计红利,全数出售   Y ex-dividend and sales in full
  •   不论什麽事都要保持镇静.   Keep calm, whatever happens
  •   不量力地乱花销; 入不敷   overspend one's allowance
  • adj.  不错的(但并不色)   quite good, but not excellent
  •   不难看出你的意思.   It's not difficult to read your thoughts, ie to know what you're thinking
  • vt.  不顾, 使...无效, 藐视, 拒绝, 制服, 凌驾, 压倒, 推翻, 践踏, 把马骑得过累, 对...驱使过度, 使过量负载, 奔越过, 骑马横越, 将重叠起来, 滥用, 取而代之, 给代理人佣金, 凸, 上升, 无视, 蔑视, 蹂躏, 不考虑   override
  • v.  与全体演人员、 管弦乐队等进行预演   rehearse with a full cast, orchestra, etc
  • v.  与复数第一人称连用, 用以提建议)   (with the first person plural to make a suggestion
  • adv.  与太阳运行相反地, 逆时针地, 与日方向相反地   widdershins
  • n.  与女朋友外出的夜晚.   a night out with the girls
  • pron.  与形容词连用)我的廉价照相机比他昂贵的照相机拍的照片好.   My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. (
  • adj.  丑小鸭(初时似无甚息而後人头地的人).   person who is difficult, dangerous or unpleasant to deal with 难对付的人; 危险的人; 讨厌的人. an ,ugly `duckling person who at first seems unpromising but who later becomes much admired, very able, etc