  • n.  他想要可观的薪水、 司的汽车、 头等的机票--一应俱全.   He expects a good salary, a company car, first-class air travel the lot
  • prep.  他扑到一辆共汽车底下去了.   He threw himself under a bus
  • v.  他把书放在办桌上了.   He deposited the books on the desk
  • n.  他把办室的那一头看成是他的地盘.   He seems to regard that end of the office as his territory, ie He resents anyone else using it
  •   他拐走公司10000英镑.   He went off with 10000 of the company's money
  • n.  他拚命奔跑去追赶共汽车.   He ran like fury to catch the bus
  • n.  他持有该司的一半股份.   He has a half share in the firm
  • v.  他挥舞著一封投诉信冲进了办室.   He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint
  • adj.  他是公司的老板.   the firm
  • v.  他是认的巴黎最好的外科医生.   to be the best surgeon in Paris
  • adj.  他是当今众事务中最受大家爱戴的人.   figures in public life today
  • v.  他爱(与办室的女职员)调情.   He enjoys flirting (with the girls in the office).
  • adj.  他的公寓就在附近.   His flat's very near
  • n.  他的办桌上老是堆满写著字的纸.   His desk is always covered with papers
  • adj.  他的辞职以及由此而引起的众的哗然   his resignation and the consequent public uproar
  • v.  他的额外津贴包括司提供的一辆汽车.   His perks include a car provided by the firm