n. 这种疾病能引起面部色素斑沉著. The disease causes patches of pigmentation on the face
v. 这种症状有可能复发. The symptoms tend to recur
n. 这种药影响人精神不能集中. of concentration
这种药膏也许能消除你的皮疹. This ointment might help to clear up your rash
adj. 这种过激的组织是不太可能长期沉默的. It is unlikely that such an extremist organization will remain quiescent for long
adj. 这种酒根本不能喝. This wine is quite undrinkable
adj. 这种食物算不上能吃. This food is scarcely edible
这篇文章太长. 你能删减(四分之一)吗? The article's too long. Can you trim it (by a quarter)?
v. 这篇文章很短, 只能对这一问题作肤浅的探讨. This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic
adj. 这类东西或现象可能在过去很普通 A thing or an event may be rare when it is found or occurs infrequently. 很少见到的东西或很少发生的现象, 可用rare一词来表达. It may once have been common
adj. 这类事物有的可能有特殊价值 A top hat is a rare sight these days. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见. It may have a special value
n. 这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋. This crossword will really tax your brain
v. 这罐能盛12加仑. The tank takes 12 gallons
n. 这肉不能吃--净是软骨. I can't eat this meat it's all gristle, ie full of gristle
n. 这药能加快她康复. This medicine will help speed her recovery