  • n.  這次危難是對他的勇氣和技的考驗.   The crisis put his courage and skill to the test
  • adj.  這次我們頗有機會贏.   There's a fair chance that we might win this time
  • n.  這次聚會可要讓我花錢.   for the party
  • abbr.  這汽車每加侖汽油走40英裏.   This car does 40 mpg, ie of petrol
  • v.  這照片引起你的回憶.   This photograph may jog your memory
  • adj.  這牛肉未熟透, 簡直不吃.   The beef was underdone and quite uneatable
  •   這電視機你是怎麽弄的? 都不正常收看了.   What have you done to the television? It's not working properly
  • n.  這種嚴重罪行今日是不容忍的.   Such enormities would not be tolerated today
  • v.  這種事情衹私下處理.   This sort of business can only be transacted in private
  • v.  這種化妝品清除臉上的汗毛.   The cream dissolves facial hair
  • n.  這種可恥的伎倆都是為了讓他當選.   These shameful manoeuvreswere aimed at securing his election
  • v.  這種土壤長出好莊稼來.   The soil produces good crops
  • n.  這種處理方法造成上肢畸形.   This treatment could result in malformation of the arms
  • v.  這種效果在實驗室裏産生嗎?   Can this effect be reproduced in a laboratory?
  • v.  這種新型設計提高速度、 節約燃料.   The new model delivers speed and fuel economy
  • adj.  這種有傾嚮性 的說法可招致強烈的反對.   Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition