  •   zuì wèi suān pái chū liàng   maximal acid output
  •   zuì suān pái chū liàng   maximal acid output
  •   zuì xiǎo shū chū diàn   min. output voltage at 1000r/min 1000r/min
  •   zuì cháng jiàn [ chū xiàn pín shuài zuì gāo de ] zhí   modal value
  •   zuì cháng jiàn de [ chū xiàn pín shuài zuì gāo de ] shuài   modal speed
  •   zuì yǐn rén zhù , chū jìn fēng tóu ; qiǎng jìng tóu   steal the limelight
  • n.  zuì hòu shǐ chū liǎo jué zhāo , yáng yán yào zhí .   Finally she played her trump-card and threatened to resign
  •   zuì xīn chū xiàn de , zuì xīn míng de , zuì xīn shì yàng de   the last thing in
  •   zuì xīn chū xiàn de , zuì xīn míng de , zuì xīn shì yàng de   the latest thing in
  • n.  zuì zǎo chū xiàn de diàn huà shì xiàn dài tōng xùn wǎng de chú xíng .   Thefirst telephone was the precursor of modern communications networks
  • adj.  zuì zǎo chū shēng derén) , tóu shēng de , chū shēng de , tāi shēng de   firstborn
  • n.  zuì nóng , haze zuì .Hazealsooccurswhenitisveryhot*haze zài tiān yán shí huì chū xiàn   fog is the thickest and haze the least thick. *fog
  • n.  zuì chū huò zuì zhòng yào de wèi zhì   if you behave arrogantly,sth will happen to make you look foolish jiāo zhě bài .prideof`placethemostprominentorimportantposition,becauseofbeingthebestorbest-liked
  • n.  zuì zhòng yào huò zuì chū de wèi zhì   position of greatest importance or prominence
  •   zuì gāo chū jià   Best Bid
  • adj.  zuì gāo de , ào màn de , liú de , kuài de , jiàn kāng de , gāo sǒng de , jié chū de , liú de   topping