| - n. 希腊神话中的)半人半马怪(上半身为人下半身为马). one of a tribe of creatures with a man's head, arms and upper body on a horse's body and legs (
- n. 希腊神话中的)塞壬(半鸟半女人的怪物, 常用美妙的歌声引诱航海者触礁毁灭). one of a number of winged women whose songs lured sailors to their destruction (
- n. 希腊神话中的)天堂. home of the blessed after death (
- n. 希腊神话中的)戈耳工(蛇发三姐妹之一, 见到者皆化为石头). any of three snake-haired sisters whose looks turned to stone anyone who saw them (
- n. 希腊神话中的)水神. water-nymph (
- n. 希腊神话中的)落柘枣(食後产生懒怠与梦幻的满足感). fruit that makes those who eat it lazily and dreamily contented (
- n. 希腊神话中的)蛇怪(长著许多头, 斩去後能重新长出). snake-like monster with many heads that grew again if they were cut off (
- n. 希腊神话中的)鸟身女妖(凶残的怪物, 头部及身躯似女人, 生有鸟翼与鸟爪). cruel monster with a woman's head and body and a bird's wings and claws (
- n. 希腊神话中)复仇女神. goddesses with snakes instead of hair, sent from the underworld to punish crime (
- n. 希腊神话中)美惠三女神(赐予人类美丽、 魅力和快乐者). three beautiful sister goddesses who gave beauty, charm and happiness to humans (
- n. 希腊精锐部队的步兵, 希腊精锐部队中的步兵 evzone
- n. 帐目中有些出入(如数字不确). There were some irregularities in the accounts, eg figures that were not correct
- n. 帐目或帐单(的结算)(如旅馆或饭馆中) account or a bill, eg at a hotel or restaurant
- v. 帐篷因帆布湿了中间有些下坠. The tent began to sag as the canvas became wet
- n. 帐簿中的借[贷]方 credit side of the account
- n. 帝国大厦是纽约高楼大厦中著名的地面标志物. The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline