  • n.  这化石可超过二百万年了.   This fossil may be over 2 million years old
  • adj.  这匹新马跑得最快或最慢的可性是相同的.   It's even money whether the new horse comes first or last
  • v.  这只是玩具枪, 不发射子弹.   it doesn't shoot
  •   这可要延续到星期五.   It maylast till Friday
  • n.  这合约决不能动.   The agreement must stand, ie cannot be altered or cancelled
  • adj.  这场比赛就看出谁行谁不行.   The match will show who is the superior player
  • n.  这场纠纷根本不可获得解决.   There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute
  • n.  这场雷暴过後天气可反而好些.   The thunderstorm may settle the weather
  • adj.  这块湿地不够坚实, 不在上面走.   This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on
  • n.  这堵墙能给我们挡风.   The wall screens us against the wind
  • n.  这套装置必须经过试验之後才投产.   The system will have to be tested before it goes into production
  • v.  这家人彼此相像之处, 一眼就看出来.   The family likeness really hits you, ie is very noticeable
  • v.  这对孪生儿长得很像, 无人分辨出谁是谁.   The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other
  • adj.  这就是一个恰印证我所谈的内容的极好的例子.   example of what I was talking about
  • n.  这工作一年之内不见得完成.   a year
  •   这工作不需要很长时间就完成.   The work won't take too long to do