| - n. 是指大批量出售某种(常为进口的)货物的商人 goods in large quantities *merchant
- n. 是粗心的错误, 常为不该有的或出於判断错误 a technical error技术性错误. A blunder is a careless mistake, often unnecessary or resulting from misjudgement *blunder
- 是谁先出的这个主意? Who first thought of the idea?
- adj. 显出了解内情的样子、 眼光、 表情等. a knowing look, glance, expression, etc
- adj. 显出优美身段的睡衣. a slinky night-dress
- 显出全副本领[获得大成功] strike twelve
- v. 显出某人无知或犯错误 Mini-skirts first caught on in the 1960's. 超短裙是在六十年代开始流行的. ,catch sb `out show that sb is ignorant or doing sth wrong
- 显出老态; 显得精神不济 show one's age
- 显得严重[突出] loom large
- n. 显示出[运用/表现出]卓越的决断力. show excellent judgement
- v. 显示出信心、 热情、 健康等. radiating confidence, enthusiasm, health, etc
- v. 显示出复原的生理机能. evincing powers of recovery
- n. 显示出对事实、 细节、 儿时情景等的惊人记忆力. show an amazing retention of facts, details, childhood impressions, etc
- v. 显示出强烈的感情. demonstrate strong feelings
- v. 显示出愚昧无知、 狂妄自大、 胆小怕事等 display one's ignorance, arrogance, fear, etc
- n. 显示出画家苍劲笔力的一幅画. a picture that shows the artist's sureness of touch