| - 工中频感应加热设备 mains medium frequency induction heating equipment
- n. 工人中许多暂遭解雇的人. many lay-offs among factory workers
- v. 工会在目前纠纷中高估自己实力有失败之虞. The union is in danger of overplaying its hand in the current dispute
- n. 工党中的激进派. Cf 参看 left-wing (left2), right-wing (right5). the radical wing of the Labour Party
- 工党以微弱多数票在选举中获胜. with a small majority
- n. 工党在牛津东区选举中的胜利来之不易. Labour did not have an easy election victory in East Oxford
- 工党在选举中获胜, 真让我吃惊、 高兴、 烦恼等. To my surprise, delight, annoyance, etc the Labour Party won the election, ie Their winning caused me surprise, delight, etc
- v. 工党租用音乐厅作选举会场. In US English rent (out) is used in all the above meanings and hire can mean `employ' 在美式英语中rent (out)用於上述各义, 而hire可指employ(雇用) The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting.
- n. 工资中扣除税款等费用後所剩无几. There's not much money left after stoppages
- n. 工资薪金中用作纳税、 购买国民保险等的)扣除款 stoppages [pl] amount of money deducted by an employer from wages and salaries, for tax, national insurance, etc (
- n. 巨人, 大力士, 特别大的人, 伟大人物, 大轮胎, 水枪, 大喷嘴, 冲矿机, 身体高大的人, (神话中的)巨人, 巨大的怪物, 卓越的人, 能力高强的人, 伟人, 巨大的动物或植物, 天才 giant
- n. 巨大的东西, 巨人, 跳跃的人, 庞然大物, 跳跃者, 大话, 不害臊的谎言, 戏院保镖, 爱吹牛的人, 自夸者, 弹跳起来的物, 保镖, 弹起的快速球, 同类中最大者 bouncer
- adj. 巨轮在滚滚浪涛中沉没. The great ship sank below the waves
- 巫妖狂欢日(中世纪欧洲传说女巫与妖魔一年一度在该日深夜聚会) witches'Sabbath
- 差劲儿; 不中用; 表示反对或拒绝的手势 Thumbs down!
- 已动用的按薪级中点估计的年薪值 notional annual mid-point salary spent