Chinese English Phrase:
  • n.  这个新政权不大可获英国承认.   the new regime is unlikely
  • adj.  这个桌面能擦得很亮.   This table-top polishes up nicely
  • v.  这个桶能装25升.   This barrel holds 25 litres
  • v.  这个灯罩使光线柔和一些.   The lampshade will soften the light
  • n.  这个理论只用数学语言来表达.   This theory can only be expressed in mathematical language
  • v.  这个花瓶已(破得)不修复了.   beyond repair, ie could not be repaired
  • v.  这个计算机模拟海底环境.   The computer simulates conditions on the sea bed
  • n.  这个设备一接通电源你就用了.   As soon as the equipment is wired up, you can use it
  • n.  这个食橱装下足够一个月之用的食物.   This cupboard can store enough food for a month
  •   这事你若保密则不胜感激.   I'd be grateful if you kept this information to yourself
  • adv.  这事做得过於鲁莽, 然而不不佩服她的勇气.   It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage
  • v.  这些动词还可用以表示某人的感官力   These verbs can also indicate somebody's physical ability to perceive with the senses
  • n.  这些名词的复数形式可会造成困难.   There are a lot of nouns in English of Latin or Greek origin. 英语名词中有很多来自拉丁语或希腊语. They often end in -us, -a, -um, -on, etc. 这些词多以-us、 -a、 -um、 -on等结尾. The plural forms of these nouns can cause difficulty
  •   这些土豆儿不吃了, 都出芽了.   We can't use these potatoes; they've all sprouted
  • adj.  这些孩子简直完全不静静地自己做功课.   The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves
  • adj.  这些改变并未使劳资关系获得改善. > productively adv   The changes were not productive of better labour relations.