| - adv. 明确地说出自己的打算. state one's intentions unequivocally
- adj. 易冲动的人、 一时冲动的评语、 在冲动中做出的决定、 在冲动下离去. an impulsive man, comment, decision, departure
- adj. 星光剧团主办中国儿童合唱团演出音乐会. Starlight Productions present the Chinese Children's Choir in concert
- n. 星占, 诞生时的星位, 占星, 诸星的配置, 出生时的天体位置 horoscopy
- adj. 星彩的, 显出星形的 asteriated
- 星期一我已把信用快递寄出. I sent the letter first class on Monday
- n. 星期六我要参加慈善游泳--您愿意出钱赞助吗? I'm doing a sponsored swim on Saturday will you sponsor me?
- vt. 映出, 反射出, 反映 mirror
- 春天到了, 树篱长出了新叶子. Spring has come and the hedges are putting forth new leaves
- 昨天晚上酒馆里有人大打出手. There was a dreadful shindy in the pub last night
- n. 昨天的比赛有些出色的表现. There was some excellent play in yesterday's match
- comb form 昨天这里出事了. 有一辆汽车撞在树上了. 司机死了. There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree. The driver was killed
- v. 是什麽原因让你说出那种话来? What makes you say that?
- 是从[根据]...得...出的 follow from
- v. 是口语用词, 指出售违禁毒品 Push is informal and is used for the selling of illegal drugs *push
- n. 是指专门出售某类物品, 并对之有专业知识的商人 A dealer sells especially individual objects and has a specialized knowledge of these *dealer