| - 运行系统功能块 Operation system Function Block (OSF)
- n. 运送者, 媒介物, 带菌者, 搬运人, 承运人, 运货人, 递送人, 邮递员, 送报人, 运输行业, 从事运输业的人, 信鸽, 水管, 引水沟, 运载工具, 搬运器, 搬运汽车, 万能自动装卸车, 运输机, 运输船, 航空母舰, 载重架, 托架, 承载器, 传导管, 载体, 吸收剂, 导染剂, 载波, 载流, 载流管, 病媒, 鸡心卡头, 放射性同位素, 粘合物质, 运送人, 带虫者, 传染疾病的媒介(人或动物), 运载工具, 货架, 车辆行李架, 邮递员, 行李架, 载波(信号) carrier
- n. 近岸回流的冲力能把游泳的人涌到海里. The pull of the undertow can drag swimmers out to sea
- n. 还能看得见那列火车. The train is still in sight
- n. 还要有一番讨价还价才能达成协议. There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing before an agreement is reached
- 这[那]正是未能成功的原因 that is the reason for the lack of success
- n. 这一发现证明了过去的理论不能成立. previous theories
- v. 这一带的一些小路只有晴天才能走. Some of the walks in this area are only possible in dry weather
- n. 这一程序有哪些功能? What functions can this program perform?
- v. 这一词既可指某一学科也可指某种技能 Teach has the widest use in formal and informal situations and at all levels. *teach一词使用范围最广, 可用於庄重的和一般的场合, 可用於各种教育程度. It can refer to an academic subject or a practical skill
- n. 这一项目能获得成功主要是大家通力合作的结果. The success of the projectwas largely the result of good team-work
- adj. 这不可能是真事. It's an impossible story, ie it cannot be believed
- n. 这两家公司在考虑合并的可能性. The two companies are considering merger as a possibility
- n. 这两辆汽车的性能有天壤之别. There's a world of difference in the performance of the two cars
- adj. 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的, 根本不可能采纳. it will never be accepted
- 这个把手能拆下来吗?'`不能, 那是固定的.' Does this knob come off?' `No, it's fixed on permanently.' `