| - n. 日出, 拂晓, 黎明, 曙光, 朝霞, (亦作sun-up) sunrise
- n. 日场演出, 白天举行的音乐会, 妇女便装之一种 matinee
- v. 旧唱片发出的沙沙声 scratches on old records
- 旧时将士兵逐出部队时奏的乐曲; 把某人逐出某团体的起哄声 rogue's march
- n. 旧时)出租马车. horse-drawn carriage for public hire (
- v. 旧的偏见又冒了出来. Old prejudices began to resurface
- n. 旧藉口的重新搬出. reiteration of past excuses
- 早晨刮脸後)傍晚(又长出少许胡须)的容貌. dark appearance on a man's chin and face caused by the slight growth of hair that has occurred since he shaved in the morning (
- 早睡早起; 早出早归 keep good hours
- 早睡早起; 早出早归 keep early hours
- 早睡早起; 早出早归 keep regular hours
- n. 时进时出(於某处) sometimes in and sometimes out (of a place)
- 时间导出通道 channel time-derived
- n. 明手、 梦家摊出之牌 these cards
- n. 明显的、 显著的、 能觉察出的、 略微的相似之处 a marked, strong, notable, faint resemblance
- vt. 明白,看出,弄懂 twig