| - n. 尤用於名称中)有奖赛马(参赛马的马主均须捐款用作奖金) horse-race in which all the owners of the horses in the race contribute to the prize money (
- n. 尤用於圣诞颂歌中)圣诞节. Christmas (
- v. 尤用於地名 中)岬, 海角 long piece of land sticking out into the sea (
- adj. 尤用於管弦乐队、 音乐社团等名称中)爱好音乐的 devoted to or loving music (
- 尤用於美式英语的)Yours truly 是信末最常见的敬语, 用於正规的及半正规的书信均可. The correct style is to use Yours faithfullyto end a letter which begins Dear Sir/Madam (ie when the name of the person being addressed is not known to the writer) and Yours sincerely/truly after Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith (ie when the name is known but the person is not well known to the writer). 正确的格式是在信的开头用 Dear Sir/Madam(即不认识收信人), 则信末用 Yours faithfully, 而在信的开头用 Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith(即知其名而不熟悉者)则信末用 Yours sincerely/truly. *In US English Sincerely, Sincerely yours and Yours truly are often used. 在美式英语中常用 Sincerely、 Sincerely yours、 Yours truly. *If the writer knows the addressee personally, the first name is used and With best wishes may be added. 若写信人与收信人相识, 则信的开头用收信人的名字(不用姓), 信末可加 With best wishes. *More familiar still is the use of the first name and Yours (ever). 关系更密切者, 信的开头用收信人的名字(不用姓), 信末用 Yours (ever). Yours truly are the commonest ways of ending formal and semi-formal letters. *Yours faithfully、 Yours sincerely、 (
- n. 尤用於表格中) married (status). .2 (esp on forms
- n. 尤用於诗中)早晨. morning (
- adj. 就业指导、 职业训练(如为应届中学毕业生的). vocational guidance, training, etc, eg for students about to leave school
- v. 尸体俯卧在血泊中. The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood
- n. 尸体躺在血泊中. The body was lying in a pool of blood
- 尺型中心钻 scale-type center drill
- adj. 尺寸不足的, 体积比普通小的, 个子小的, 不够大的, 小型的, 经过一定规格筛孔中筛下的, 欠胶的, 降低的, 比普通的小的, 个儿小的(亦作undersize), 较一般为小的 undersized
- 尼古丁含量低[中/高]的香烟. high-tar cigarettes
- v. 尼罗河流入地中海. into the Mediterranean
- n. 尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节. Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail
- adj. 尿的, 取自尿中的, 尿液的 uric