  • n.  尤指文学、 戏剧、 电影的)对话, 对白   conversation, esp in literature, plays and films (
  • n.  尤指旧时在某些东国家的)导游和译员.   guide and interpreter (
  • n.  尤指旧时)十一岁少年学入学试(以决定升入等学校的种类). For the uses of eleven and eleventh see the examples at five and fifth. 关於eleven和eleventh的用法见five和fifth词条的示例.   examination taken at the age of eleven, to decide which type of secondary school a child should go to (
  • n.  尤指旧时)(教堂募集济贫款的)慈善箱.   box placed in a church, in which people may put gifts of money for the poor (
  • n.  尤指用於名称的)广场, 商业街   public promenade or street of shops (
  • suff.  尤指电器等或电源)在接通或使用   in action or use; being operated (
  • n.  尤指科幻小说的)(因基因变异而致的)畸形怪物.   living thing that is deformed or disfigured as a result of genetic change (
  • n.  尤指第二次世界大战的)德国潜艇.   Germansubmarine (
  •   尤指纳粹德国的)集营.   prison consisting usu of a set of buildings inside a fence, where political prisoners, prisoners of war, etc were kept in very bad conditions (
  • n.  尤指网球)挑选(种子选手)与较弱选手比赛(使种子选手不至过早遭淘汰)   to play against a poorer player in the early rounds of a knock-out competition, so that all the good players have a chance to reach the later rounds (
  •   尤指美国南方以黑人为主的社区的)贫苦白人.   member of a class of poor white-skinned people in a mainly Black community (
  • n.  尤指船、 舰)在使用, 服现役   into service (
  • v.  尤指议会)将某事列入议程, 将某事提交会议辩论   include sth on the agenda for a meeting or debate (
  • n.  尤指足球普尔赌博的)选定组合.   selection of items from a group, to be arranged in a number of combinations (
  • n.  尤指马克思理论的)上层建筑.   institutions and culture that result from the economic system on which a society is based (
  • n.  尤用於名称)公共汽车.   bus (