  •   尚未发生, 在未来; 在酝酿   in the womb of time
  • n.  尤与以下示例之介词连用)   mercy or pity; compunction 慈悲; 怜惜 (used esp with the prep shown
  • n.  尤与以下示例的动词和介词连用)   ragged strips 碎布条 (used esp with the vs and preps shown
  •   尤作上阶层年长男子称呼另一男子的用语)   (used esp by older men of the middle and upper classes as a familiar form of address when talking to another man
  • n.  尤指《圣经》)寓言故事   story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth (
  • n.  尤指央政府向地方政府)移交权力, 下放权力, 分权.   transfer of power or authority, esp from central government to regional authorities (
  • adj.  尤指企业)经营管理的, 经营的, 经理的   concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc (
  • n.  尤指伊丽莎白时代戏剧)(宣读开场白和收场白的)男演员.   actor who speaks the prologue and epilogue of a play (
  • n.  尤指军队)暂停行进, 途休息.   short stop on a march or journey (
  • abbr.  尤指分类广告)或略低於此价, 可还价   or near offer (
  • n.  尤指变戏法时)用手或手物对某物施遮眼法的动作, 手法   movement of the hand or of sth held in the hand over or in front of sth (
  •   尤指在一种纸牌游戏)用木钉插在板上记(分).   by putting pegs in a board (
  • adj.  尤指在战争飞机、 军舰等的)规避动作(以避免危险)   do sth in order to avoid danger, etc (
  • n.  尤指在艺术或文学工作的)热忱, 精神, 活力   enthusiasm, spirit or vigour, esp in artistic or literary work (
  • n.  尤指大机构部门的)负责人   person who controls or directs sth, esp a department or division of a large organization (
  • n.  尤指希腊神话的)半人半神的精灵.   supernatural being that is half god, half man (