| - n. 你做完了吗?'`还没有.' Haven't you finished?' `No, not yet.' `
- adv. 你准备好了吗?'`还没准备好呢.' Are you ready?' `No, not yet.' `
- adj. 你准备好了吗?'`还没有, 但很快就好.' Are you ready?' `Not just yet.' `
- v. 你吃过饭没有? Have you fed yet?
- v. 你吓了我一跳--我没听见你进来. You startled me I didn't hear you come in
- v. 你喂过鸡没有? Have you fed the chickens?
- adv. 你坐过直升飞机吗?'`没有, 从未坐过.' Have you ever flown a helicopter?' `No, never.' `
- n. 你太没礼貌, 我已经受够了. I've had enough of your impertinence
- indef det 你对他还没有受够, 我很惊讶--我觉得他很烦人. I'm surprised you haven't had enough of him yet I found him very boring
- v. 你度假时天气怎麽样?'` , 没说的(要多好有多好). What was the weather like on your holiday?' `Oh, I can't complain', ie It was as good as could be expected.`
- adv. 你得去问她. 马上就去否则就没机会了. You've got to ask her. It's now or never
- n. 你怎麽做都没用, 你已经完全落入圈套了! You can't win; you've been completely snookered
- v. 你怎麽没买面包呢?'`真抱歉, 我忘了.' Why didn't you buy any bread?' `Sorry, I forgot.' `
- v. 你接种过(抗天花)疫苗没有? Cf 参看 inoculate, vaccinate. yet?
- v. 你早就该明白你没什麽人缘儿. It's time you woke up to the fact that you're not very popular
- adj. 你有机会说却什麽也没说, 真笨. It was rather wet of you to say nothing when you had the chance