| - n. 拉尔夫(男子名), 拉尔夫 ralph
- 拉斯拉努夫 Ras Lanuf
- 拉斯海夫吉 Ras al Khafji
- 拉普捷夫(或诺尔登斯基沃尔德)海 Laptev (or Nordenskjold) Sea
- 拜格赖夫计算尺 Bygrave slide rule
- 拜洛夫特针织纱 Bi-loft
- adj. 指丈夫)受妻子摆布的, 怕老婆的, 惧内的. nagged by a fussy and domineering wife (
- n. 指女子)(与人通奸)使(丈夫)当乌龟. a cuckold by having sex with another man (
- adj. 指高尔夫球棒)击出高球用的. shaped to hit the ball high (
- 按普通法结合的妻子、 丈夫(未举行正式婚礼, 男女已同居一定时间, 为普通法认可者). . ,common-law `wife, ,common-law husband person with whom a man or woman has lived for some time and who is recognized as a wife or husband under common law, without a formal marriage ceremony
- n. 挖泥船, 疏浚机, 挖泥机, 捕捞船, 疏浚工, 挖泥工, 使用拖网的渔夫, 捞网, 拖网, 挖泥机(亦作dredge), 撒糖瓶, 撒盐瓶, 撒粉器 dredger
- n. 捕鱼人, 鱼貂, 渔夫, 渔船, 食鱼貂, 以鱼为食的兽, 食鱼鼬, 食鱼鼬的褐色皮, 打捞器, 渔民, 食鱼动物, 捞取者 fisher
- v. 据报道说, 她把丈夫毒死了. She poisoned her husband, or so the story runs
- adv. 据说主任正在开会, 可他实际上正打高尔夫球呢. Officially, the director is in a meeting, though actually he's playing golf
- 捷连科夫光电监测器 Cerenkov photovoltaic monitor
- 捷连科夫检波器 Cerenkov detector