  • adj.  (指工业生产法等)劳动密集型的. Cf 参看 the capital-intensive (capital2).   needing to employ many people
  • adj.  (指建筑物或地)简朴的, 无装饰的, 简陋的   very simple and plain; without ornament or comfort
  • v.  (指船只或飞行器)继续朝(某一向)航行   continue to move in (a particular direction)
  •   (指言语、 表演等)被某人以某式接受   be received by sb in the specified way
  • adj.  (指言语)言腔调很重的   having many of the sounds typical of a particular region
  • n.  (法、 情况等的)彻底改变, 重大变革   complete or drastic change of method, conditions, etc
  • v.  (朝某向)强力推动某事物   push sth with force in the specified direction
  • n.  (未婚同居者分居后付给对的)分居赡养费   palimony
  • v.  (板球)切击(横握球板向正面向击球)   in the direction one is facing with the bat held horizontally
  • v.  (板球)外场防守区(击球员右及前的区域)   area to the right of and in front of the batsman
  • n.  (板球)朝击球员向投球   sending the ball from the hand towards the batsman
  • n.  (某事物的)某方面   Please visit us next time you're over this way. 你下次到这一带来时请到我们家作客.6 [C] particular aspect of sth; respect
  • n.  (某人的或某些人的)生活式   sb's way of `life normal pattern of social or working life of a person or group
  • n.  (某人的)相宜的或应在的地   suitable or proper location(for sb to be)
  • n.  (某社会、 机构、 企业等中)沿袭已久的法、 做法和规则   the traditional methods, practices and rules existing in a society, an institution, a business, etc
  • n.  (标於书面字母上或下以表示其不同发音的)变音符号(如重音符、 分音符或下加符).   placed above or below a written or printed letter to indicate different sounds