  • n.  小人国, 小人国(英国作家JonathanSwift所著小说《格列佛游记》的假想国, 其居民身高仅6英寸左右)   lilliput
  • v.  小册子中有详细说明.   Detailed instructions are included in the booklet
  • n.  小农场的佃农, 自耕农   crofter
  •   小功率波段广播发射机   low power medium frequency broadcasting transmitter
  • n.  小包装袋里的东西在运输已经压实了(显得少了).   The contents of the packet have settled in transit, ie come closer together, so that there appears to be less
  •   小区广播中心   Cell Broadcast Center (CBC)
  • n.  小囊, 内耳的球囊, 抱器腹, 小囊,   saccule
  • n.  小地主, 乡绅, 拥有土地的富农或乡绅, (英国世纪)小地主   franklin
  •   小型中子管   minitron
  •   小型中间继电器   miniature intermediate relay
  •   小型升降机(尤指饭店传送食物者).   small lift for carrying food, etc from one floor to another, esp in a restaurant
  •   小型空中客车   mini airbus
  • adj.  小学及学的, 小学的, 小学的, 从一年级到十二年级的   elhi
  • n.  小学教师要求与学教师同酬.   those in secondary schools
  • v.  小山笼罩在薄雾之中.   The hills were wreathed in mist
  • v.  小山隐没在浓雾之中.   The hills were wrapped in mist