| - 货盘装运机 pallet loading machine
- 货盘通用装载机 pallet universal loader
- 货舱制冷装置 cargo refrigerating plant
- 货舱除湿装置 cargocaire system
- 货车装车升运器 wagon loading elevator
- n. 质量改善装置, 提高质量的装置, 质量增进剂 upgrader
- vt. 购买, 买, 努力取得, 赢得, 换得, 置得, 购置, 用起重装置举起, (常与with连用)(以某种代价)换得, (经过努力)取得 purchase
- n. 购买个人全部新冬装.3 stock of costumes worn by actors in a theatrical company(剧团的)全部戏装. buy a new winter wardrobe
- 贮体队伍装置 bucket brigade device(BBD)
- 贮存场装载运输机 reclaimer
- n. 贮煤设施, 贮存设备, 燃料费, 供燃料给船只, 卸船上的散装货 bunkerage
- 贮罐和卸放装置 tank and gating system
- 贮罐泡沫分布装置 tank foam distributing device
- 贯穿保护装置 through-penetration protection system
- n. 贴梗海棠(装饰用的植物, 开红花). ornamental type of quince tree, with red flowers
- n. 贺卡(圣诞节、 某人生日等时赠送的装饰性卡片). a `greetings card, ie a decorative card sent at Christmas, on sb's birthday, etc