| - v. (东方式)炒菜. by frying them for a short time in very hot oil while stirring them (用旺火)快炒(蔬菜、 肉等). n oriental dish made in this way
- (中美)战略核武器互不瞄准对方 non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other
- n. (从一已知位置测出的)方位(度数) direction in degrees as measured from a known position
- (从一边、 一见解、 一习惯、 一体系等)转至(另一方面) We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement. 现在我们转至新闻部, 宣布一项重要消息. go over to sth change from one side, opinion, habit, system, etc to another
- v. (以某种方式)对待(某人) in a specified way; behave towards
- (以某种方式)抓住或展示(某人[某事物]) in a specified way
- v. (以某种方式)活动或表现 oneself well, badly, etc behave or perform in a specified way
- v. (以某种方式)理解或解释某事 understand or interpret sth in a particular way
- (以诙谐或嘲讽的方式)模仿或假扮某人 She's taken herself off to the country for a quiet weekend. 她到乡村去过个清静的周末. take sb off imitate or mimic sb in an amusing or satirical way
- n. (体育运动中)击, 踢, 掷, 投(球等)(尤指以某种方式或向某方向) , esp in the specified manner or direction
- n. (使某人[某物])沿某方向快速或突然移动 move rapidly or suddenly in the direction specified
- (使某人[某物])面向另一方向 face in a different direction
- v. (使某物)改变方向 change direction
- n. (做某事的)方法, 方式, 手段 method, style or manner of doing sth
- n. (公司、 企业等的)主管人员, 管理部门, 资方 a management course, consultant 管理课程、 顾问.2 [CGp] all those who control a business, enterprise, etc
- (别人走後)留在(学习、 工作等的地方) after others have left