  • adj.  放除的,逐出教会的   excommunicative
  •   政党领袖要求本党议员席辩论并按指示投票的)书面通知.   written notice to Members of Parliament from their party leader insisting that they attend a debate and vote in a particular way (
  • n.  政府为到访的元首派了武装卫队.   The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State
  • v.  政府於政治目的蓄意使战争逐步升级.   The Government is deliberately escalating the war for political reasons
  • n.  政府在化工部门的配合下所提的一份报告   a report produced by the Government in co-operation with the chemical industry
  • v.  政府已提遏止犯罪活动的法令.   to reduce crime
  • n.  政府派警方动恢复治安.   The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets
  • n.  政府的部门、 拨款、 版物   a government department, grant, publication
  •   故意使人注意; 出洋相   make a sight of oneself
  •   故意抖内衣的袖子(表示自己是大人物, 或表示不安)   shoot one's linen
  •   故意提高开价, 以便藉口削价售而实际赚大钱的噱头   price packing
  • n.  故障, 失灵, 机能失常, 错, 失误, 障碍   malfunction
  • n.  故障, 过失, 缺点, 缺陷, 瑕疵, 错误, 毛病, 责任, 误差, 漏电, 断层, 发球界, 犯规, 迷失了野兽的嗅迹, 过错   fault
  •   效果最佳地; 最出色地   to the best advantage
  • v.  敌军推进时, 士兵都撤了那地区.   The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced
  • vt.  救, 使脱离, 放, 游离, 分辨, (常与from连用)解救, 使解脱, 使游离   extricate