  • v.  将词或字母用另一字母体系的字母写出   write words or letters in or as the letters of a different alphabet
  • n.  将贵重物品妥善保管(如於银行)   leave one's valuables in safe custody, eg in a bank
  • v.  将钢笔(在墨水)蘸一蘸.   Dip your pen (into the ink).
  • n.  将(事情)记载於航行日志.   in a log-book
  • n.  将(作物或草)犁入土作肥料.   back in the soil by ploughing in order to enrich the soil
  • v.  将(另一成分)加进某物混匀   to sth and combine the two
  • n.  将(家具等)保存在仓库等   in a warehouse, etc to be kept safe
  • n.  将(尤指球)击向空.   very high
  • v.  将(工业、 工人、 人口等)自集点分散到较大的区域内.   over a wider area away from the centre
  • n.  将(幼苗)移植到用尖棒等在土壤钻的小孔里.   in small holes made in the soil with eg a pointed stick
  • v.  将(房子、 地方等)翻修和装饰(以适合产阶级的人居住).   to make it suitable for middle-class residents
  • n.  将(文件等)放进分类架(置之不理或搁置)   in a pigeon-hole (and ignore or forget them)
  • v.  将(某人[某物])关入笼.   in a cage
  • v.  将(某人[某物])在水浸一下, 蘸一下   briefly in water
  • n.  将(某人)列入值勤人员名单   on a roster
  • v.  将(某物质、 细菌等)从其种群离析或分离出来   from its combination with others