| - 遥测压力表 remote pressure gauge
- 遥测压力表 telemanometer
- 遥测数据压缩器 telemetry data compressor
- 遥示压力计 remote indicating manimeter
- 遥示防震压力计 remote indicating vibration-proof pressure meter
- n. 那个废品商有个压碎汽车的机器. The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars
- n. 那匹马绝无获胜可能, 我要是你可不把钱压在它身上. That horse is a complete outsider; I wouldn't waste your money on it
- n. 那孩子的感情一直受到压抑. suffered continualrestraint
- 那完全是胡言乱语; 我压根儿就不相信。 That's all moonshine.
- v. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论. The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him
- v. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了. The car was now just a pile of twisted metal
- 配合挤压剂 compounding extruder
- 配电电压 distribution voltage
- 酒精气压器 ebullioscope
- 酒精测压计 alcohol gauge
- 酚醛压布板 phenolic cloth laminate