  •   将某人[某物]从一较大物体分出   sth from a larger object by cutting
  • v.  将某人[某物]置於(一块材料)(加以遮盖或保护)   as a covering or protection
  • n.  将某人[某物](如同)置於摇篮   in a cradle
  • n.  将某人[某物](宛如)关入围栏   sth in, or as if in, a pen
  • v.  将某人卷入(丑闻、 争论等)之(通常为不情愿者)   , usu unwillingly
  • adj.  将某物的东西取出置於他处   and put them somewhere else
  • v.  将某物放入封套、 信件、 包裹等   put sth in an envelope, letter, parcel, etc
  • n.  将某物放入盒、 箱等收起   pack sth away put sth into a box, cupboard, etc because it is not needed
  • v.  将某物深而牢地固定於(周围的物体)   fix sth deeply and firmly (in a surrounding mass)
  • n.  将某物装入大木箱或板条箱   put sth in a crate
  •   将某项内容写入(合同、 协议等)   to a ballot paper if this does not include that name; vote for sb in this way 在选票上填写(非原定候选人的姓名); 以这种方式选举. write sth into sth include sth as part of (a contract, an agreement, etc)
  • n.  将水果放在面团烘制而成的)水果布丁   baked pudding made of dough filled with fruit (
  • n.  将牛奶倒入罐[从罐倒出]   from a jug
  • v.  将维生素加入(食物).   add vitamins to (a food)
  • n.  将自己的球碰击对手的球,击   roquet
  • v.  将蔬菜、 鸡蛋、 大米等浸於水煮叫boil. *We steam fish, puddings, etc by placing the food above boiling water. 将鱼、 布丁等置於沸水上蒸叫steam. *2 Meat, fish, vegetables, etc can be fried in shallow oil or fat. 将肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等放在少许植物油或动物油里煎叫fry. *Chips, chicken pieces, etc can be completely covered by oil and deep-fried. 将土豆条、 鸡块等完全浸入油炸叫deep-fry. *We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil. 用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒叫saute. *3 We roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc and we bake bread, cakes, etc in the oven. 在烤箱里烘烤大块的肉、 土豆等叫roast, 烘烤面包、 糕饼等叫bake. *Small or flat pieces of meat, fish, etc are grilled (US broiled) by being placed under direct heat. 将小块的或切成片的肉、 鱼等置於发热器下面烘烤叫grill(美式英语叫broil). *Boil, fry, roast and bake can be used in two types of sentence *boil、 fry、 roast、 bake可用於以下两种句型   We boil vegetables, eggs, rice, etc by covering them with water and heating it.