  • adj.  说话的, 有表情的, 有讲话力的, 富于表情的, 多嘴多舌的, 讲话的, 会说话的, 表情丰富的   talking
  • v.  请位好律师有可使你免受追究.   A good lawyer might be able to get you off
  • adj.  请你能理解这件事!   Just try to understand
  • conj.  请听这曲子--看你想得起歌词来.   Listen to the tune see if you can remember the words
  • indef det  请帮我谋得这份工作--你知道我为你也这样做.   Please help me get this job you know I would do as much for you
  • n.  请(可与自己意见不同的人)原谅.   who does not or may not agree
  • n.  读写力, 识字, 有学问, 有文化, 有教养, 有读写力   literacy
  •   读字不能   word blindness
  •   读字不能   text blindness
  •   读字不能   alexia
  • n.  谁也不强迫我做这事.   No power on earth could force me to do it
  • v.  谁也不总是忍受这种恶意批评.   One cannot inure oneself altogether to such malicious criticism
  • n.  谁也说不上战争什麽时候结束.   when the war will end
  • n.  谁想像得到? 他们竟然要结婚了!   Who'd have dreamt it? They're getting married
  • v.  谁料到有这样的事呢?   Who'd have thought it? eg of a surprising event
  • adj.  谁要是把这件事做得更好, 谁就来做[试试]! (我乐不得别人来做呢.)   to try! ie I'll gladly let him do it