  •   导向中心   guiding center
  • n.  射球门柱的一个漂亮的球. =>illus at Rugby 见Rugby插图.   a cracking shot which hit the goal-post
  • v.  射中(一球)得分   score (a goal)
  •   射击准确, 射中   drive the cross
  •   射击猎物没有打; (用手段)占某人的便宜   wipe sb.'s eye
  • vt.  射杀(鸟兽), 射击, 把(植物苗)栽入花盆里, 贮藏在罐, 使(幼儿)坐便盆   pot
  •   射线和中子探测器   gamma ray and neutron detector
  • vt.  射过头, 弹着超越, 越过, 飞过, 把做过头, 不命, 超出规定, 动作过度, 在射击上胜过, 从高处射下, 过调节, 过平衡, 过冲击, 过幅射, 打过头, 飞过目标   overshoot
  •   将, 将军(国际象棋将死对方时的呼叫).   call made when checkmating one's opponent
  • vt.  将…归入亚纲, 置于亚纲, 细分类   subclassify
  • vt.  将…装入罐头, 给…包马口铁, 涂锡于   tin
  • n.  将有害物质搀入(食物或饮料)   add sth harmful to (food or drink)
  • n.  将本组织的秘密情报暗传给另一组织或国家的)内奸   person who works within an organization and secretly passes confidential information to another organization or country (
  • v.  将某事物归入某类型、 类别等, 或纳入某规则   include sth in a particular group, class, etc or under a rule
  • v.  将某事物阻止或消灭於萌芽   The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way. 那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程一直不相上下. nip sth in the bud stop or destroy sth at an early stage in its development
  •   将某人[某人的名字]从...除去(尤指从专业团体除名)   sb's name from sth, esp from membership of a professional body