| - 货油装卸系统 cargo pumping system
- 货油装卸系统分路阀箱 cargo loading manifold
- 货油装卸自动控制系统 cargo oil handling automatic control system
- 货物冷藏装置入级证书 classification certificate of refrigerating cargo installation
- 货物减湿装置 cargo dehumidification system
- 货物减湿装置 cargo dehumidifier
- 货物去湿装置 cargo dehumidifier
- 货物定位装置 cargo spotter
- 货物定位装置 cargo spotting device
- 货物监装费 Charge for Supervision of Loading
- 货物系固装置 cargo securing arrangement
- 货物装卸作业 cargo handling operation
- 货物装卸作业 cargo operation
- 货物装卸合同 cargo handling contract
- 货物装卸处所 cargo handling space
- 货物装卸性能 cargo handling performance