| - 讫里什那神车(传说讫里什那为Vishnu神的化身, 每年例节用车载此神像游行, 迷信者相传若能给该车辗死即可升天, 所以甘愿为该车辗死的善男信女极多) Juggernaut car
- 训练(某人)掌握(某种技能, 法则等) drill in
- 训练(某人)掌握(某种技能, 法则等) drill into
- 训练, 教练(某人); 考验某人的专业知识与能力 put sb.through his facings
- n. 议会言论自由权(国会议员在下议院自由发言的特权, 若在国会以外发表则可能被控以诽谤罪) parliamentary privilege, ie the right of Members of Parliament to say things in the House of Commons which might result in an accusation of libel if said outside it
- v. 许多人都很担心怕可能发生核事故. Many people are worried by the possibility of a nuclear accident
- 讹科费米原子能电站 enrico fermi atomic power plant
- n. 设备, 装备, 装备, 配件, 器材, 仪器, 船上用具, 供给, 知识, 技艺, 才能, 素养, 特征, 资质, 铁路机车, 运输配备, 固定资产, 必需品, 装置, 铁道车辆 equipment
- n. 设施, 设备, 灵巧, 容易, 熟练, 便利, 器材, 工具, 装置, 机构, 机敏, 简易, 轻便, 随和, 和善, 柔和, 可能, 便利, 研究室, 工厂, 机关, 实验室, 反应堆-tiesfortravel旅行的设备What-tiesdoyouhaveforlearningEnglish你学习英语借助什么工具Hisfacilitywithlanguagesisamazing.他运用语言的熟练程度实在是惊人。, 敏捷 facility
- n. 识数, 计算能力, 丰富的思维能力和表达能力, 数学能力 numeracy
- 识时务; 机灵, 能随机应变 know the time of day
- 诊断用肺功能说明计算器 Diagnostic pulmonary-function interpretation calculator
- adj. 词典应尽可能便於使用. Dictionaries should be as user-friendly as possible
- 试图做不可能做到的事情; 缘木求鱼 try to do the impossible
- n. 试图)做不可能做到的事(尤指将某物置於容纳不下之处). do sth that is impossible, esp to put sth into a space that is too small for it (
- n. 试验将太阳能商品化的可行性. test the commercial viability of solar power