| - 搭出租车 by taxi
- 摆出一付严肃的神气, 板起脸孔 grave as an owl
- 摆出一付严肃的神气, 板起脸孔 as grave as an owl
- adj. 摆出一副了不起的样子[架势] manner, ie pretend to be important
- 摆出一种姿态; 作出舞台上的身段; 装模作样 strike an attitude
- 摆出烟灰缸、 盛有花生的碗 put out ashtrays, bowls of peanuts
- v. 摆姿势, 装模作样, 提出...讨论, 摆好姿势, 形成, 引起, 造成 pose
- v. 摇动筒风琴奏出音乐. grind out music from a barrel-organ
- n. 摇滚乐歌星往往创出时装的潮流. Rock stars often set fashions in clothes
- n. 摇石, 河川或湖泊岔出的死水或沼泽地区, 轻轻一碰就会动的大石头(亦作logan-stone) logan
- n. 摒弃世间的浮华而出家. forsaking worldly pomp for the life of a monk
- vi. 摔倒, 跌倒, 倒坍, 崩溃, 下跌, 翻腾, 打滚, 翻筋斗, 作杂技表演, 仓促的行动, 匆匆忙忙地倾倒出来, 慌慌张张地来, 滚进, 一翻身跳出, 突然察觉, 恍然大悟, 偶然遇见, 同意, 翻倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 仓惶地行动 tumble
- 摘下假面具, 露出真面目 drop [throw off, put off] one's [the] mask
- 摘下假面具; 露出真面目 throw off one's disguise
- 摘出术 enucleation
- vt. 摘引, 引用, 复述, 提到, 举出, 把...放进引号内, 用引号把...括起来, 报, 开, 提出, 引用…的话, (与from连用)举例引证, 引述, (与as连用)引以为证, (常与at连用)开价, 报价, 引证, 提供 quote