| - 家中最好的孩子; 某一集体中出类拔萃的人物 the flower of the flock
- 家中玩的游戏(如填字游戏). game played in the home, eg a word-game
- n. 家具或设备(尤指一套中的一件) piece of furniture or equipment, esp one forming part of a unit or series
- n. 家史中的)一代 single stage in a family history (
- n. 家庭中的)儿童游戏室. room in a house for children to play in (
- adj. 家庭中称呼儿子的用语 way of addressing a son in a family
- n. 家庭或团体中最年幼的成员 youngest member of a family or group
- n. 家族中从一代人至另一代人 be gathered to one's fathers => gather. the child is father of the man => child. from ,father to `son from one generation of a family to the next
- n. 家族中有精神病遗传素质 a taint of insanity in the family
- 家用中档漂白亚麻布 delinere
- n. 家里的收容能量, 放东西的地方, 房子中住人的地方, 房子中放东西的地方 houseroom
- abbr. 家长教师联谊会(如中小学的). parent-teacher association (eg in schools)
- v. 容易攻击或容易击中的人或事物 Are you going to sit on your hands while she does all the work? 所有的工作都是她做, 你难道什麽都不干吗? a ,sitting `duck person or thing that is an easy target, or is easy to attack
- 宽行中耕机 broad-row cultivator
- 宽行中耕机 wide row cullivator
- n. 宽袖中长手套,双面纬向棱纹毛呢 biarritz