| - 可燃气体指标仪 combustible gas indicator
- 可靠性合格标准 acceptable reliability level
- 台卡无线电导航系统坐标网格 Decca grid
- 右舷浮标 starboard hand buoy
- 吃水标 water marks
- 吃水标 draft marks
- adj. 各公司应邀投标承建新高速公路. Firms were invited to tender for the construction of the new motorway
- 合乎[不合乎]标准 be above[below] proof
- 合乎标准; 过得去 within the mark
- adj. 合乎正确的原则或公认的标准的 agreeing with correct principles or accepted standards
- 合乎环境要求标记 environmental seal of approval
- n. 合恩角(如标於地图上者). C Horn, eg on a map
- n. 合成纤维的一种, 其商标名, 迪尼尔, 迪尼尔线, 迪尼尔皮毛 dynel
- 合格, 达到标准 up to the standard
- adj. 同型的, 同模标本的, 同型性的 homotypic
- n. 同旧习俗、 标准程序等相违. a departure from old customs, the standard procedure, etc