  •   话到嘴边; 差点说出   at the tip of one's tongue
  • n.  话到嘴边或几乎想起   on the tip of one's `tongue just about to be spoken or remembered
  •   话到边(却想不起来了)   have (sth.) on the tip of one's tongue
  •   误动嘴出分析器   malfunction detection analyzer
  • adj.  说大话的, 大声叫嚣的, 多的, 吹牛的, 说大活的, 夸口的, 爱说话的   mouthy
  • adj.  说话的, 有表情的, 有讲话能力的, 富于表情的, 多多舌的, 讲话的, 会说话的, 表情丰富的   talking
  • adj.  说话粗鄙恶劣的, 损的, 下流的, 庸俗下流的, 满口下流话的, 粗鲁辱骂的, 粗俗的, 下流话语的, 使用低级粗俗语言的   scurrilous
  •   说话轻率, 嘴快。   One's tongue is too long for one's teeth.
  •   说走嘴   make a slip of the tongue
  • n.  谈吐卑劣粗鄙, 刻薄, 下流, 庸俗下流的言语, 庸俗下流, 粗俗的言语, 谈吐卑劣粗俗, 刻薄   scurrility
  •   豁嘴, 缺唇   a cleft palate
  •   象牙烟嘴   ivory cigarette holder
  • n.  贪吃, 嘴馋, 贪欲   greediness
  • n.  贫民窟, 白鸦群, 群栖处, 破旧的住房, 同类人的集中处, 白鸦的巢, 白鸦群栖的巢, 白鸦的群居地, 海豹等之穴, 破旧而拥挤的住房群   rookery
  •   走, 溜(不留神而吐露的真心话).   comment made accidentally by a speaker instead of what was originally intended, but which is considered to reveal his true thoughts
  •   软管喷嘴   hose nozzle