| - 耕作农业 arable farming
- 耕牧混合农业 crop and livestock farming
- 耕种与畜牧兼营的)混合务农. farming of both crops and livestock (
- 联邦环境农药控制条例 Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Regulation
- adj. 肥沃的农田、 富有成效的生产方法 productive farming land, manufacturing methods
- n. 脱离他那农奴困境. released from his serfdom
- n. 自然的、 矿产的、 农业的...资源丰富 rich in natural, mineral, agricultural, etc resources
- n. 自由民, 自耕农, yeoman的集合词, 义勇骑兵, 志愿骑兵, 自耕农(集合名词) yeomanry
- n. 自给农业(收成仅供自家食用, 无剩余出售者) subsistence farming, ie farming that produces only enough crops for the farmer and his family to live on, leaving no surplus which could besold
- 自耕[佃]农 a landed [tenant] farmer
- n. 自耕农, 自由民, 小地主, 义勇骑兵, 侍者, 随从, 卫士, 信号员, 海军文书军士, 仆人 yeoman
- n. 舵杆, 耕作者, 农夫, 耕作机具, 舵柄, 耕者 tiller
- n. 芯, 镇, 村, 区, 农场, 奶牛场, 畜牧场, 蜡烛芯, 灯芯, 蜡烛心, 油绳 wick
- n. 苏联的集体农庄, 集体农庄, 集体农庄 kolkhoz
- 苯氧基农药 phenoxy pesticides
- n. 茶、 棉、 甘蔗、 烟草等的)大种植园, 大农场(尤指热带国家的) large piece of land, esp in a tropical country, where tea, cotton, sugar, tobacco, etc are grown (