  • n.  一种树胶, 奇可树液, 口香糖, (美产的)一种树胶(本身无味, 用制口香糖等)   chicle
  • n.  一种橡胶鞋, 罗米欧, 热恋的男子, 情人, 一种男式室内便鞋, 通讯用以代表字母, 罗密欧, 热恋的男子, 室内便鞋   romeo
  •   一种物质在大气存在的时间   atmospheric life (of a substance)
  • adj.  一系列的)最新的, 最後的   latest or last in a long series (
  • n.  一系列危害性泄密事件最新的一椿.   the latest in a series of damaging leaks
  • n.  一组五个之一,五份覆写文件之一   quintuplicate
  •   一组织的)重要人物   prominent member of a group (
  • n.  一般用作数字中的0   Nought is commonly used when referring to the figure 0 as part of a number *nought
  • n.  一行诗句近间处的停顿.   pause near the middle of a line of poetry
  •   一见就中意   take a shine to someone
  • n.  一词更客气些, 但只用於疑问句   Can I come too? 我也可以来吗? Could is more polite but is only used in questions 用could
  • adv.  一词有时靠句的语调可表达不同的意思.   In British English quite can have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence. 在英式英语, quite
  • adj.  一连串, 一系列, 一套, 一组(之一)   set or series
  • n.  一连串比赛的)一局, 一场, 一项.   one of a series of matches between the same opponents (
  • n.  一部浪漫小说无病呻吟的柔懦情调.   the sickly sentimentality of a romantic novel
  • n.  一重大谋杀案审判的情节剧式的场面   all the melodrama of a major murder trial