  • n.  审查官, 谘询官, 裁判人, 仲裁人, 宫廷对奏章等负责审查、报告的高官, 传圣旨官   referendary
  • n.  审讯结果表明这个组织几个主要人物都牵连在案.   The trial resulted in the implication of several major figures in the organization
  • pron.  客人没有一个想留下不走的. (Cf 参看 They none of them want to stay.)   want to stay.
  • n.  客厅(尤指私人大宅的). Cf 参看 living room (living).   room, esp in a large private house, in which people relax and guests are received and entertained
  • n.  宣叙调, 朗诵调(歌剧或清唱剧近似说话的歌唱风格).   narrative or dialogue in an opera or oratorio sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech with many words on the same note
  • vt.  宣告...有罪, 对...处以刑罚, 处罚, 置…于不利地位, (运动)犯规处罚, 宣告有罪处罚, 对…处以刑事处罚, 罚款(亦作penalise)   penalize
  • vt.  宣布, 宣告, 声称, 公布, 发表, 披露, 断言, 声明, 申报, 供认, 供述, 陈述, 摊牌, 宣布为王牌, 宣称, 报进口应纳税之货物   declare
  •   宣誓采证法中的证人   compurgatory
  •   室中隔   interventricular septum
  •   室中隔缺损   ventricular septal defect
  • n.  宪兵, 警察, 山脊突岩, 过去法国军队的骑兵, 警官   gendarme
  • n.  宪兵(尤指法国及法语国家的).   member of a military force employed on police duties, esp in France and French-speaking countries
  • v.  宪法神圣地记载著全体公民的基本权利.   The constitution enshrines the basic rights of all citizens
  •   害着病, 在病休中   on the sick list
  • n.  家不留某人(某物)   sth in one's house, etc
  •   家常备美味食品, 以丰富的饮食招待客人; 备有佳肴美酒   keep a good table