| - 集体疗法(使有同一心理症状的病人在一起讨论病情的方法). form of treatment in which people with similar psychological problems meet together to discuss them
- n. 集体的重量、 力量、 影响等结合起来可敌得过对方 behave in an aggressively arrogant way 盛气凌人;逞威风. weight of `numbers combined weight, strength, influence, etc of a group which is larger than another
- n. 集团, 国家等的)集团语, 地方语, 部落语, 某国语 form of language used by a particular group, nation, etc (
- adj. 集约耕作(旨在小块土地上集中劳力精耕细作以获高产的方法). intensive farming, ie aimed at producing large quantities of food by concentrating labour and care in small areas
- 集装箱搬运吊车方式 container marine line system
- 集装箱码头的装卸工艺方式 Cargo Handling System in Container Terminal
- 集[会]合; 夫妇同居生活; (对立双方)消除分歧 come together
- 雕绣镶万缕丝拼方盘布 cutwork traycloth with venice squares
- 雕绣镶拼方盘布 cutwork traycloth with square insertion
- 雕花方格 Checkering
- 零工待雇站; 搬运工人等候生意的地方; 旅客中途打尖的小客店 house of call (=house-of-call)
- 零方向 zero direction
- 雷达气象方程 radar weather equation
- 雷达监测路段(警方用雷达装置监测超速车辆的路段). section of road where the police use a radar device to detect vehicles travelling faster than the speed limit
- 露天的地方 exposed place
- 非俘获年龄方程 age equation without capture