  •   除死亡外, 一切都有补救法。   There is a remedy for all things [everything] but death.
  • v.  除非有一让步, 否则罢工很可能继续到圣诞节. 21 (combines with a n in many fixed expressions, where give and the n together have the same meaning as a v related in form to the n 与名词结合构成give + n形式的许多固定词组, 具有与该名词相应的动词同样的词义, 如 give sb a surprise = surprise sb)   Unless one side gives, the strike could go on until Christmas.
  • n.  陵墓, 公元前四世纪波斯属地Caria地Mausolus王的陵墓, 陵庙, 陵, 大而阴森的房屋   mausoleum
  • n.  随便地或以外行式做(尤指试著修理或改进某物)   work in a casual or inexpert way, esp trying to repair or improve sth
  • v.  随便找个地坐, 别客气.   Grab a seat and make yourself at home
  •   随机单位组方差分析   randomized blocks analysis of variance
  • n.  隐修院修士的生活式.   way of life of monks in monasteries
  •   隐形墨水(需经特殊处理可显现字迹, 如加热).   ink which, when used for writing, cannot be seen until specially treated, eg by heat
  •   隐蔽方法   concealment method
  • n.  隐蔽而安静的地或角落   sheltered quiet place or corner
  • v.  隐藏偷来的珠宝的地.   a secret stash of stolen jewels
  • n.  隔离, 孤立, 隐居, 偏僻的地, 闭塞过程, 隐居的地   seclusion
  •   雅致, 大; 得体, 很有风趣   in good [excellent] taste
  • n.  集中, 中央集权化, 中央集权, 集中管理式, 集于中心, 聚集   centralization
  •   集中控制方式   common control system
  •   集中记发方式   common register system