| - vt. 掘出, 发掘, (从墓内)掘出(尸体), 发掘 exhume
- v. 掘出(尸体)(以检验) from the ground (for examination)
- 探寻踪迹; 描摹出, 映写出; 计划出 trace out
- n. 探测器, 发觉者, 探出之人, 侦查器, 检定器, 检电器, 电流计, 检波器, 指示器, 发现者, 侦察器 detector
- n. 探照灯发出强光, 照亮监狱场地. The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard
- n. 接受、 拒绝、 发出、 送交最後通牒. accept, reject, issue, deliver an ultimatum
- 接受或同意某人提出的条件. accept an offer made by sb
- 接受或同意(提出的条件). close with the enemy 与敌人短兵相接. close with sth accept (an offer)
- 接合剂渗出痕迹 fillet
- n. 接待员、 出纳员等的)桌子, 柜台 table or counter in a public building behind which a receptionist, cashier, etc works (
- 接见; 准许出入 give access to
- 接警出动 trip the horses
- 接警出动 turning out
- 接警出动 respond
- 接警出动 response
- 接警出动所需的全部时间 total response time