| - prep. 她的朋友中最有钱的. the richest of all her friends
- n. 她的脸部在一片很暗的阴影中. Her face was in deep shadow
- 她的诗中贯穿著悲伤的情调. A deep melancholy runs through her poetry
- v. 她的钻石在烛光中闪闪发亮. Her diamonds sparkled in the candle-light
- n. 她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications
- n. 她眼中流露出调皮的神情. There was mischief in her eyes
- v. 她站在路的正中间, 我过不去. in the middle of the path, so I couldn't get past
- n. 她站起身来为中途离开道了歉, 然後走出会场. and walked out of the meeting
- n. 她经常在学期中给学生提供膳宿. She usually boards students during the college term
- 她结婚了吗?'`没有. 她说她在等待著意中人的出现. Is she married?' `No. She says she's waiting for the right man to come along.' `
- v. 她腿上中了一枪. She was shot in the leg
- adj. 她若心中生疑亦不形之於色. If she had inner doubts, it was not apparent to anyone else
- n. 她被卷入革命事件的洪流中. She was drawn into a maelstrom of revolutionary events
- n. 她要我注意报告中的一处错误. She drew my attention to an error in the report
- 她觉得待在家中很无聊. to stay at home
- 她觉得生活与她形同陌路(未能从生活中得到好处、 机会与乐趣). She feels that life is passing her by, ie that she is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life