  • prep.  她步入年以後才结婚.   She didn't get married until she was well into middle age
  • v.  她母亲从干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜.   Her mother's interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage
  • n.  她沉浸在对童年往事的遐思.   She fell into a reverie about her childhood
  • v.  她潜入水, 几秒钟後像软木塞一样又浮了上来.   She dived below the surface, then bobbed up like a cork again a few seconds later
  •   她独自漫步, 走了很长的路. In this sense on my, our, etc own or by myself, ourselves, etc are often used in informal speech instead of alone 在口语表达这种含义常用 on my, our ...own或by myself, ourselves等, 而不用alone   She goes for long solitary walks.
  • n.  她生活已没有什麽乐趣了.   She has few pleasures left in life
  • comb form  她生活有过一段困难的历程.   She has had a difficult path through life
  • n.  她生活的主要爱好是音乐、 网球和烹饪.   Her main interests in life are music, tennis and cooking
  • v.  她用手指在喷泉玩水.   She dabbled her fingers in the fountain
  • n.  她用整个下午的时间拔除花坛的杂草.   She spent the afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds
  • n.  她用胳膊肘开路从游客挤了过去.   She elbowed her way through the masses of tourists
  • adv.  她病了. 然而她照旧去上班, 并且尽力集精神工作.   She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate
  • v.  她的写作融合了智慧和学识.   with scholarship in her writing
  • v.  她的声音有几分伤感.   There was a tinge of sadness in her voice
  • v.  她的声音能听出有些颤抖.   You could hear the quaver in her voice
  • adj.  她的政治信条是持间立场.   Her political beliefs are very middle-of-the-road